Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Basic Rules Of Golf

There is no organization in this world that works without a set of rules. Even nature has rules that it follows and you can clearly identify the reason of why the whole universe is running so systematically. There has to be a confined set of objectives and rules for correct functioning. That is why whether it is any sport or it is some kind of business there are rules for everything.

In the sports world golf holds a dignified position. It came to existence in the 17th century. Every new idea is hard to accept but golf held its ground very fast and in this century it is loved more than any other sport. Golf is about fun. It takes a good hand to make you love this game. It is elegant and dignified because you don't have to run after balls, you don't have to kick balls, you don't have to shout, scream or pant out of exhaustion. By the time you have made to pocket your golf ball you can walk away calmly and gracefully.

When golf began it had around 13 rules and the bad part was that it was only a man's game. Women weren't allowed; the reason of which is not understood. Then some years later new rules were made and the already existing ones were amended. Anyhow the rules now sum up to around 45 that include every minor rule of golf. The true happiness and triumph that a person achieves is when he wins fairly. Never can anyone attain pure satisfaction if the success is embraced by violating the rules.

The basic objective of golf is getting the golf ball into the hole in a golf course. There can be a single player which really has its own joy. He is to use the 14 golf clubs to make the shots at the ball. The simple game has 18 holes to go. And the game is won when the player scores the least in completing those shots. It is quiet easy, the right club, the right angel and posture can make you score without much effort. This should provide any person to at least consider trying out a game of golf if he hasn't tasted playing it yet.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for http://igolfcentral.net/ - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for http://erecreationstation.com/ and http://baseballstuff.net/

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